Capacity is built by exposure, training, and practice. Children and adults must be exposed to opportunities that build skill and confidence. Scouting is designed to do these things. Work in a family business, whether it be farming, insurance, or manufacturing gives kids a challenge that leads to confidence in their abilities. 

The human brain is like a computer. It can and will be programmed. Children are like blank slates seeking to be filled. Someone or something will do the programming. The Proverb encourages you to start children off on the way they should go. Deuteronomy 11 speaks of weaving conversations about the truth, principles, and how to live into every aspect of life from an early age.

Successful young adults are not the product of wealth or of special favors but of attitudes given to them from birth in the home and to some extent their community. Dependent, defeated people will raise the same kind of person. Hopeful, confident, interdependent people raise children with those attitudes.

It’s never too late to start raising yourself or your children with hope and skills building. Read a Proverb a day. Believe that you have a gift and role to play.

Carla G. Harper - Author, Publisher, Speaker